Mr. KAWASAKI – currently the General Director of NICHIAS HAIPHONG company, is a person who always devotes a lot of enthusiasm to training and developing Vietnamese human resources. Aimnext Vietnam had the opportunity to accompany NICHIAS HAIPHONG company in 2 projects "Management by Objectives System" (Refer to Image “MBO Project Flow”) in December 2022 and the project "Evaluating 5S price and training” in 2023. The impression we had about NICHIAS HAIPHONG every time we visit is the happy atmosphere at a great workplace, and all of the staff always welcomed us with their enthusiasm and warmth.

We interviewed to discuss with Mr. KAWASAKI - General Director, Ms. Minh Thu - Deputy Manager, and 4 participants who joined this project - Mr. Thang, Mr. Phong, Ms. Thu and Ms. Lieu, about their concerns before implementing the project as well as achievements after the project ended.

According to Mr. Kawasaki, in the past, employee evaluation was qualitative and unfair, and superiors were often biased, so it was difficult to evaluate accurately. However, after implementing the MBO Management system, he felt the effectiveness of operating the system in company’s evaluation.

 For detailed interview content related to the project "Management by Objectives System", please read this article below.

For detailed interview content related to the project "5S Assessment and Training", please see here.5S Assessment and Training

In addition, you can also watch the interview directly via this link:【Nichias HP - Interview Video】.


【About building and implementing a Management by Objectives (MBO) System


Image: “MBO Project Flow”


【About the interview content of General Director - Mr. Kawasaki


Image: 【Photos of Mr. Kawasaki's interview】
(Left: General Director of Aimnext – Trang, Right: Mr. Kawasaki)
Date of interview: 17/7/2023

■ Question 1:What were the challenges before implementing the project?  

We currently have 450 employees. Each individual evaluates once every 6 months. Until now, the method of evaluation has been very qualitative or a little different. There’s something like that boss’s favoritism. It’s been a long time since we haven’t been evaluated properly like this.

But this time I knew about the goal management MBO, I want to use this to fairly and justly evaluate employees. The fact that I started from there. It was very good

■ Question 2:What were the difficult points and good points during the project? 

About the difficult points, but there had never been a system like that before. It took a long time to instill that concept in everyone. And the other thing is that it seems like we’ve never done it before. So it was difficult to explain that.

The good point is that each employee can be evaluated fairly. If clear 1 problem, you can get X points, if not clear, you get Y points. So it was good that we are able to make very clear and quantitative personnel evaluations.  


■ Question 3: Did you see the effects of your company’s MBO system after providing the service?

Yes, we have seen results in fact, our company applied this evaluation system for about half a year, from January to June.  We built an evaluation system after participating in training by Aimnext, and now the half-year evaluation period in June has ended. At this time, I am also re-evaluating, and realize that we can do a quantitative evaluate without spending as much time as before. I think a big advantage is being able to evaluate accurately and fairly.

■ Question 4: What are the good points of Aimnext's service? 

Yes, the good points is that your service is very good (Smile)

What I felt that Aimnext has done well in this project is the follow-up support, you always pay attention to our participants’ questions or our problems. Nichias is a Japanese company, so the common communication language used is Japanese, but we did not have to worry or encounter any problems when communicating with the trainers/consultants. It can be said that it was a very great thing! ! !

■ Question 5: What are your expectations about the services Aimnext provides in the future? 

From our company's perspective, we expect professional fields such as human resource development. However, we also hope that Aimnext can develop more about MBO System, ERP System, or Improve efficiency in IT-related work, etc. We hope to be able to work more with Aimnext on other services in the future.   

 【Interview with Ms. Ngo Minh Thu - Deputy Manager of Management Department

Next, we interviewed Ms. Minh Thu, Deputy Manager of Management Department. At that time, she had worked as a bridge that connected our company and participants joined MBO training and Follow-up training projects. After the project is completed, Ms. Minh Thu is also responsible for internal monitoring and system operation. 

Image: Ms. Ngo Minh Thu

Question 1: How do you feel the participants have changed BEFORE and AFTER participating in the program?

Previously, it was almost a self-assessment. Department heads will be responsible for doing everything from A to Z for their subordinates. For example, department managers will work for supervisors, leaders, and sub-leaders.

After the training course, everyone can see what they have to do. Managers are also aware that if they want to build a good successor team. We need to give everyone a chance, and there must be challenges, and everyone, that is, their subordinates, must set their own goals they have to show the implementation steps and how they have to plan. But if you do all for your staff, you won’t be able to have a good successor team.

So after the training course, everyone at all levels is quite proactive in setting goals and planning steps that need to be done. Subordinates will have to report to their immediate superiors about the planning. Departments also clearly divide the tasks and responsibilities to each person that everyone must complete.

■ Question 2: How do you feel when operating the first half of MBO system 2023?

Regarding the previous system, everyone would not be as close as they are now. Once the MBO is set, everyone makes a very detailed plan for which day, which month, which year, and what needs to be done, everyone has a plan with step by step. As before, everyone may be delayed in completing a task. But the MBO course is highly valued by bosses, and after the course everyone sees its importance, everyone’s interested in what they learn, what they do, and the benefits they gain after doing MBO. That’s why everyone follows up very seriously. That is, no matter what deadline I set, every month everyone sends me a very accurate report according to that deadline even if they haven’t met that deadline, they have reasons to explain why and how.

That’s why when I make a summary report for my bosses, it’s very convenient for me. Because everyone is very clear about the results and the reasons, my reporting is very easy to do. I feel like my boss is also satisfied with the reports and doesn’t have to check too much.

When I make a report, I also take notes. A divided example is the green means completed by the deadline. The red means it is delayed and I also noted the reason why. The bosses followed up very well and up to this point, MBO’s periodic reporting has had no problems.

By the last 6 months of the year, I thought the responsibility would be heavy until everyone submitted their plans for the last 6 months of the year. It’s already a flow, everyone is very clear. It’s not too difficult the step of setting goals, what the steps are to do, and how to do it. So I find it quite effective to implement MBO in Nichias currently.


【Interview students participating in the MBO project

Next, we had the opportunity to interview 4 participants who participated in the MBO training and Follow-up training project. They gave us more detailed opinions about the importance of the training course as well as their own changes after participating in this project.


 ■ Question 1: What have you learned/enjoyed the most through the MBO training and coaching program? 

Ms. Lieu 

My favorite thing is that my perception of goal setting has changed. Before I attend this course, I feel that setting goals or targets is for senior leaders and not for low-level employees like me. So every time to set a goal it’s very stressful.  

Mr. Thang

The first one is that everyone’s way of working is better codified.

The second one is to encourage subordinates in following the actual plan, the available path has been planned help superiors control work easier.

Ms Thu – Leader

Before, everything I did not have clear goals. It’s often spontaneous, meaning I don’t have an overall goal for my inventory and I make plan step by step and solve each step one by one. Now I set goals clearer, more comprehensive goals. 

■ Question 2: How what your change related to your way of setting and managing targets before and after the program?

Mr. Phong - Supervisor

For example, I’ve done something like MBO before I also set a goal but it’s kind of general. I set goals and do them every day in the process of achieving that goal sometimes a little distracting but for MBO, it’s clear for each stage. What have you done so far? How to exchange information? That’s the one that’s much clearer than the way was applied before. 

Ms. Thu - Leader

The biggest change I see is I used to work spontaneously. Being spontaneous means that I don’t have a clear goal and plan. For every problem that arises, I write it down myself so I can solve the problem. After the training course, my change is, that I have an overall view. I set clear goals for my department, for myself as well as for the whole of a warehouse to guide my subordinates to have a better plan. Everyone clearly defines what the section’s goal is, and what should to do in the first six months of the year. When I define it more clearly, my members are also clearer.

Ms. Lieu- Sub Leader

Because my perception of goals changed, so the way of setting goals before and after the course has also changed. I feel confident when setting goals and that they are appropriate for my position. Second, I am confident when talking with leaders about my goals. 

■ Question 3: Can you share your feelings about Aimnext's organization of training and follow-up after training?

Mr. Phong - Supervisor

I think that Aimnext’s organization is relatively professional in guiding people on how to set goals, and after the training course helps people know how to proceed,... 

Ms. Lieu – Sub Leader

Although I have participated in several other courses, I feel that Aimnext's courses have a very interesting training method, it made participants fascinated and not bored. The second thing is that trainers are very enthusiastic in supporting me every step of the way in the process of setting goals and planning. Another impressive point is that when there are steps that participants write down or just say the general idea, trainers also grasp the keyword - the key point, and then express it very closely and clearly. Sometimes I couldn't even explain what I was doing clearly, but trainers were able to express it accurately.

Image: Mr. Kawasaki and employees of Nichias and Aimnext 


Sincerely thank Mr. Kawasaki, Ms. Minh Thu, Mr. Thang, Mr. Phong, Ms. Thu, Ms. Lieu!