


Are you aware of the importance and roles of 5S implementation at factory?
Are you well-equipped with the knowledge of steps and processes of conducting 5S activities?
Do you know how to check and evaluate the implementation of 5S activities at factory in general and at your section in particular?
Do you know how to discipline your inferiors to obey the regulations of 5S implementation?
Implementation of PDCA Cycle (14-15/8/2023)

Implementation of PDCA Cycle (14-15/8/2023)

- Are you wondering how to make specific and measurable goals?
- Do you want to know how to make a detailed plan to process goals?
- Do you want  to be able to control progress of the project clearly ?
- Have you been able to timely find out action to improve situation in order to achieve the goal and plan?

PDCA is a method which helps you to make the specific plan to meet goals (Plan); how to proceed with the plan (Do) and control the implementing process (Check) and after that, you can improve and make the next action steps (Action). The course could provide you not only the meaning of PDCA but also specific practical activities to apply to the reality of work.

Developing Capabilities for Factory Leaders (1-2-3/8/2023)

Developing Capabilities for Factory Leaders (1-2-3/8/2023)

Do you fully understand the tasks and responsibility of a direct leader at the factory?
Do you have a thorough grasp of the QCD management at the factory and make improvement in the workplace to meet the expectation of your manager?
Do you know how to effectively lead and efficiently train your workers?
Be ready to apply for our training course “Developing capabilities of factory leader”, to create the chance of promotion for yourself as well as help your factory to ceaselessly improve quality, cut costs and  enhance productivity.
Problem Solving (27-28/7/2023)

Problem Solving (27-28/7/2023)

- Do you realize “problem” in you work? The biggest problem would be you don’t know what the “problem” is ~ We enhance your staffs’ awareness of “problem” and help them obtain kaizen (continuous improvement) mindset. 

- Are you finding causes for “problem” by “intuition” and “experience”? ~ We provide participants with effective tools to analyze and find root cause. 

- Do departments spend a lot of time on arguing the solutions, but finally you can’t agree on the most efficient one? ~ We guide participants methods to evaluate and select solutions based on appropriate and comprehensive criteria. 
- Do problems reoccur after you have solved it? ~ We instruct participants to solve problems with a logical process, so that the same problems don’t arise again. 

Problem solving is a course which helps you understand process of problem solving and be equipped with tools and methods to solve problems effectively.