Basics of Financial Statement Analysis
- Would you like to understand the financial health and operating status of your company and clients?
- Would you like to be able to read financial statement – a basic business knowledge?
- Would you like to comprehend every figures in financial statements in order to make right decisions?
- Would you like to assess the security/risk level of new business partners?
Basics of financial statement analysis” training program developed by AIMNEXT VIETNAM is for non-finance people. This training program aims at effectively providing basic knowledge of analyzing and understanding financial statements.
- Duration:
- Language:
- Training venue:
- Training method:
2 days
At client's company as required
Active learning through excercises, case study, role play and group discussion etc.
- Be aware of the importance of the financial statements
- Understand the financial health and operating status of company in order to increase the awareness of cost control.
- Understand financial statement analysis method in order to make right decisions.
- Managers, Manager assistants and people who want to equip with basic knowledge of financial statement analysis
Part 1: What is corporate accounting?
- Why is the knowledge of corporate accounting necessary?
- Three basic financial statements
- Purpose of financial statement analysis
Part 2: Basics of the Balance sheet (B/S)
- The structure of the balance sheet
- Balance sheet interpretation
- Balance sheet analysis
~ The liquidity and the growth rate~
- Exercise: Balance sheet comprehension
Part 3: Basics of the Profit and Loss statement (P/L)
- What are five types of profit?
- Understanding of the components of the profit and loss statement
- The profit and loss statement analysis
- Exercise: Profit and Loss statement comprehension
Part 4: Basics of Cash Flow statement (C/F)
- What is Cash Flow statement?
- Understanding of the components of Cash Flow statement
- Cash flow optimization method
- Exercise: Cash Flow statement comprehension
Part 5: Overall analysis of financial statements & Action Plan
- The relationship between the three financial statements
- Exercise
Until April 2017
31Participants have joined this course.
11Companies have used our service for this course.
100%Participants evaluate the course is "Useful" (In which, "Very useful" is 50%).
95%Participants evaluate the consultant is "Good" (In which, "Very good" is 14%).
“Basics of Financial Statement Analysis” pamphlet.
For the sample of training material please send your request to us here.
Participants should take these suggested courses below after taking "Basics of Financial Statement Analysis" course.