Presentation Skill Development
Have you ever found yourselves in such situation?
- The structure of the presentation is not appropriate, so listeners are confused and don’t know what action he should take?
- Listeners are not persuaded because the main points and reasons in the presentation are not logically linked with each other.
- Lack of confidence, small voice or fast speed give a bad influence on listener’s understanding.
Our “Presentation Skills Development” course will help to understand important points in making presentation’s material, presentation’s structure and speech, in order to grasp the attention of listener and urge them for quick action.
- Duration:
- Language:
- Training venue:
- Training method:
2 days
At client's company as required
Active learning through excercises, case study, role play and group discussion etc.
- Understanding basics from preparation step to performing the presentation;
- Understanding key points and being able to give persuasive presentation .
- Leader; newly promoted Manager and candidates for Manager position, etc
Part 1: Basic of Presentation
- What’s presentation?
- 3 elements of presentation(PresencexContentsxDelivery)
- The method to enhance presence
- Clarifying “5W2H”
~「Why:Purpose, Who:Listener, What:Contents, Where:Place, When:Timing, How:How to deliver」
Part 2: Make an effective presentation!
2.1. Content (Making presentation material)
- Clarifying the purpose
- Clarifying the message
- Designing the storyline (Making the outline)
- Making slides
- 1 slide 1 message
- Designing slides which are easy for others to understand
(Font & Size, Graph & Chart, Layout, Colors etc...)
2.2. Presentation
- The rule of Mehrabian
< <Process>>
- Preparation (Checking and setting equipment up、Printing material etc...)
- Opening
- Presentation
- Conclusion (Closing)
- Clothes
- Standing posture
- Expression
- Gesture
- Eye contact
- The loudness of the voice
- The speed to speak
- How to intonate
- How to pause
- The rule of Kiss (Keep It Short & Simple)
- Finding and breaking bad habits of the vocal and visual
<Other points>
- How to answer the question from listener
- Managing presentation time
Part 3: Action Plan
Until December 2020
107Participants have joined this course.
5Companies have used our service for this course.
100%Participants evaluate the course is "Useful" (In which, "Very useful" is 58%).
99%Participants evaluate the consultant is "Good" (In which, "Very good" is 48%).Participants' feedback
"The skills could be applied to correct mistakes in presentation and create powerpoint presentation."
(A participant from 2019 course )
“Presentation Skills Development” pamphlet
For the sample of training material please send your request to us here.
To enhance participants’ practical skills, it's recommended that companies not only conduct training program, but also hold follow-up program to continuously support participants' implementation after the training.
Duration: 1 day (1 month after training)
- Participants review and deepen the knowledge and skills
- Participants learn how to put knowledge into actual practice at their workplace
- Participants notice their weaknesses and learn how to improve them
※ For more details, click here.
The 3 follow-up days shall ensure that participants are capable in using their new skills and confidently applying such skills to solve actual issues at their workplace.
Duration: 4 months (5 days for training and coaching)
- Participants can present persuasively, and convey the message to audience
- Improve the specific presentation used internally
Step 1: Training on Presentation Skills Development (2 days)
↓(1 month later)
Step 2: 1st Follow up (1 day)
- Trainer gives feedback about the actual presentation material groups have made for their work
- Trainer gives advice, comment for further revision
↓(1 month later)
Step 3: 2nd Follow up (1 day)
↓(1 month later)
Step 4: 3rd Follow-up (1 day)
※ In addition, we can customize the program based on client's issues, request, and expectation.