Optimize time resource and maximize productivity through advanced time management skills !!!
  1. Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed with endless stream of tasks lists and assignments?
  2. Do you frequently miss deadlines and have to delay many tasks, which impacts the performance evaluation by your superior?
  3.  Are you constantly interrupted by emails, phone calls, and requests from superiors, colleagues, and subordinates, making it difficult to focus and achieve your working plan?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then the “Time management to increase work efficiency” course offered by Aimnext Vietnam is the perfect solution for you. By enrolling in this course, you will learn valuable principles and useful tools that will help you work more efficiently, reduce stress, and achieve your goals both in your professional and personal life.

Time resource is equal for everyone, granting every person 24 hours a day. Those who can master their time will also master the quality of their life.


  • Duration:
  • Language:
  • Training venue:
  • Training method:
2 days  
At client's company as required
Active learning through excercises, case study, role play and group discussion etc.


  • Develop a deeper understanding of the critical role that effective time management plays in the workplace.
  • Grasp the principles and necessary tools to manage time effectively, thereby boosting productivity and performance.
  • Optimize your work speed and achieve exceptional efficiency within the constraints of the standard 8 hour workday.


  • Staff, Team Leader


Part 1: Understanding Time and Time Management Part 2: 5 steps of effective time management using the 5A Model (Aware, Analysis, Attack, Assign, Arrangement) 1. Step 1 (Aware): Identify all the tasks that require completion 2. Step 2 (Analysis): Evaluate and categorize tasks by importance and urgency, determine the prioritization of tasks 3. Step 3 (Attack): Eliminate time-wasting factors

~ Identify the 8 common time thieves

4. Step 4 (Assign): Delegate tasks, assign tasks and seek support from others (if necessary)
~ Employ effective techniques for delegation, assignment, and task monitoring

5. Step 5 (Arrangement): Make action plan   Part 3: Maximize daily work performance Part 4: Action Plan

~ Create a plan to apply time management skills and enhance work efficiency within one month


Participants' feedback


Pamphlet “Time management to increase work efficiency" 

For the sample of training material please send your request to us here.